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Age Chart

2024-25 Age Group Matrix

Check you child’s birth date. All children are placed on competitive Teams based on their birth YEAR. We aim to have age pure teams but know this is not always possible based on availability of players and the need to play some players up for their development. We will also grant some play up requests. 

Under 8: Born 2017/2018 or younger
Under 9: Born 2016 or younger 
Under 10: Born 2015 or younger
Under 11: Born 2014 or younger
Under 12: Born 2013 or younger
Under 13: Born 2012 or younger
Under 14: Born 2011 or younger
Under 15: Born 2010 or younger
Under 16: Born 2009 or younger

All youth competitions are based on age group cut-offs of January 1 for each age group. For any birth year, the age group "label" will be determined by subtracting the year in which the players participating in the competition were born from the year in which competition ends.

Play-ups are decided on a case by case basis by the clubs technical staff including coach and director of soccer. 
