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Welcome To

      Santa Rosa South Youth Soccer!!


      …Where passionate
community volunteers 

gather to provide
uality youth soccer programs
for our kids!

Winter Camp Registration Open Now

SRS Winter Camp

What : Individual Skills development program which will act as a place for kids to play between now and Fall league. The format will be focused on the individual technical development with small sided scrimmages in each training.

Where : Trione Soccer Fields on the Old Redwood Highway home of Santa Rosa United Soccer Club.

When : Sunday mornings starting January 26th and running on the below dates. Note there is no camp Sunday, February 2nd due to field availability.

January 26th - Camp
February 2nd - No Camp
February 9th - Camp
February 16th - Camp
February 23rd - Camp
March 2nd - Camp
March 9th - Camp Final Day Lollipop cup

Coaching : The program will be directed by Kevin Kilroy who will be supported by club coaches and volunteers. If you are interested in coaching this year. Here is a great opportunity to jump in and learn.

Why : With a focus on individual player development this program is for players looking to continue their development and bridge the gap between one Fall season and the next.

Cost : Super low cost of $35


Register by clicking Here 

SRS Competitive Team Formation

Thinking of moving up from recreational soccer then come be part of one of our competitive teams. We play in the NorCal Premier Soccer League and will be forming a limited number of teams. Team formation time is May check back here to attend the open trainings we will host at that time. There are no monthly fees and our focus is on player development for the next level so when its time we will push you on to the next level. 

Please contact Kevin Kilroy, SRS Director of Soccer, with any questions.

SRS 2025 Recreational Fall Registration Opens Soon!!

Looking for a local soccer experience with all games in and around Santa Rosa then check out our entry level recreational program which is a low cost experience for families looking to get their child involved in the sport. Registration opens in March and practice and games will start in August. Check our recreation pages for more information on what to expect.


Registration Opens Soon

Purchase Your Uniform Package at Soccer and Sports!!






Soccer and Sports


For All Your Soccer Equipment Needs   

3715 Santa Rosa Ave. A4

Santa Rosa   

Phone# 707-523-0991 


    2025 Uniform Package:    

More information to follow



Coaches always needed volunteer now



               Would You Like To Share

              Your Ideas and Creativity? 


          The SRS Board Of Directors

          Meets The

          3rd Wed Evening of the Month

          @7:30 pm


               More Information?   
            Kim at


SRS Mailing List

Email Address:
First Name:
Last Name:

Have questions? Email Kim Brown at: